Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Free App Reviews

Google Docs is an amazing app free to anyone with a google account. You can create a spreadsheet, word processing document, presentation, form, table, or script. It is formatted much like microsoft office, with some differences. The one that I am most familiar in working with is the Document writer. It is amazing because it allows any goole user that you invite, to view the document. There is also a feature that you can allo people to edit the document, allowing  sycronized collaboration while all are logged on to different computers, and potentially in different areas of the world. Another feature that I am absolutely amazed with is Google Docs auto save. Anything that you type or edit is automatically saved on the cloud, which also means that it eliminates the need to a flash drive or any mass storage device as long as you have access to the internet and your free google account.

FotoFlexer is an application for editing and enhancing photos. I am new to the FotoFlexer community but have used it enough to get the hang of it. It is much like Photoshop. You can add animations to an image, completely clip a person's image out of a photo, using a tool called Smart scissors. It is easy and allows you to do this quite quickly. There is also a tool that allows you to crop someone out of a photo, without leaving distortions, and is called Smart Resizing. FotoFlexer also has all of the normal photo editing tools as well. Again, all for free! Why pay for photo editing when it is on the web? I would recommend this app to anyone! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My new Website

Click here to check out my new classroom website. I've designed in with parents and students in mind. There you will find a homework assignments page which will be updated weekly so both students and parents can see what will be due in the upcoming days. There is also a classroom announcements page that I will share important news and reminders. I have also included a class photo page so all the pictures we take during our activities can be published for all to see BEFORE the end of the year video! I've also included some google gadgets to keep you informed on what's happening outside of school. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Solar System Concept Map

This is a solar system concept map that I have students work on before the unit as a preassessment. In the past, I've given them all the words I would like them to use, and then they create their own map using information that they already know. During the unit, we work on one as a class, and add concepts as we move along. At the end of the unit, I ask the students to pull out the pre-assessment, compare it to the new map, and write about what they have learned and how the concept map assisted them in their connecting terms throughout the unit.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Powerpoint Screencast

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required. ] This is a screencast video which shows students how to create a presentation with Microsoft Powerpoint 2010. It provides assistance in showing students how to insert a picture, change slide layouts and backgrounds, and how to manipulate text to make it pop! Knowing how to create a presentation will be a key feature when displaying material for projects and reports throughout the year.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mackinac Island Journal Mapping Using Google Maps

View Mackinac Island Journal Map in a larger map

This is an example of a map I would use in a Michigan History lesson after our trip to Mackinac Island. In this lesson, students would be asked to record facts and findings as they toured Mackinac Island. They would be responsible for taking pictures throughout their tours. As they document historical facts and pictures of the Island, students will use Google Maps to create a Journal of their experience, creating a map to show where they have been and what they have learned.
They would be expected to use placemarks, upload photos, and type a description for each stop they made. They may also map the streets toured, showing where they explored on the island.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

EcoGeeks Podcast

I found an amazing video podcasting website for my 4th and 5th grade science classes. The video podcasts cover all topics of science from training your lungs and muscles at high altitudes, to biodiversity, to simple machines. Use this to enhance your science lessons. Have student subscribe to this and view certain videos before class begins! Such great topics to enhancce your lessons and engage your students. There are even links to lessons and an educators page. Enjoy podcasting!


Google Map of Silver Lake

View My Saved Places in a larger map

Mr. Lee - Phases of the Moon rap

Friday, July 13, 2012

Photo Sharing

Click on the link to view my photos and follow instructions below:

Click on already have an account and use:
Username: dbouwhuis524@gmail.com
password: edtech
 Or you can create your own account!
